Inna GUIDE, ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ukraine


I am an official tourist guide in Kiev .

What I offer

Historical Tour; Cultural Tour; Walking city tour; Shopping tour;by car and by bus .

Chernobyl tour by bus or privet tour by car .I love my city Kiev and its Region and my mission is to show and explain their artistic and historical beauties.

My Background, Licenses and certificates :

I have got master degree in Kiev ,Art History, Classical Music , Folk dance , National tradition as well as the tour guide license in Kiev .

I have been visited most of cities and places in Ukraine .

Traditional food, restourants, cafes, local places.

In Kiev we have more then 150 museums .

Also i can help with acomodation , rent flat in center of Kiev , transfer from airoport .

Оказываю услуги сопровождающего гида,переводчика , организатора поездок.

Sprachen Englisch, Russisch, Türkisch, ukrainisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Hrywnja (UAH)

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