Ekaterina Terzieva ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Bulgarien

My name is Ekaterina Terzieva, I live and work in the oldest living city in Europe – Plovdiv. My interest in traditional local food and beverages arose in 2013 when I changed one professional field to another – from a journalist with over 20 years of experience in various Bulgarian dailies and agencies, work in international media, training, and seminars I started my own specialized project and I created a small media about agriculture, food, wine, and rural tourism, called Agronovinite.

Everyone wants to know better the path of their food from the farm to the plate, as well as the people whose hands give it all. Thus, the knowledge gained along the Agronovins about the Bulgarian village, about the farmers, about the local food and drinks, about the old breeds and the old Bulgarian varieties, became my trademark in tourism.

Since 2018 I am a licensed tour guide and tour leader. we organize gastro, wine, adventure, and cultural tours throughout Bulgaria. Every trip for us is an emotion and an adventure, and with you, it is an experience.

Come to taste Bulgaria, and follow the path of the senses, tastes, and real people!

Sprachen Bulgarisch, Englisch

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