Joe Candido ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Italien


Ciao! My name is Joe Candido and I am a licensed tour guide in Rome.

I'd be very happy to show my beautiful city and take you to unique places Rome has to offer!

Welcome to my city, Rome.

Bienvenidos a mi Ciudad, Roma.

I was born in Argentina to an Italian family. In addition to Argentina and Italy, I've been living also in the United States and in Finland. Even though I have been living abroad for quite many years, Rome and Italy have always been closest to my heart.

My background in working as a tour guide is very versatile. I started tour guiding in 2007. I have been making tours to private groups, big and small, for example, families with kids, couples, and friends. In addition to private groups, I have been working also for cruise companies and for travel agencies.

For Rome and Vatican city I have ready planned tours and we can also plan tailored tours according to your own interests. I'm also available for shore excursions, excursions in the nearby cities of Florence and Naples or any other city in southern Italy.

I like working as a tour guide because I have a chance to meet many people from all over the world. I always look forward to sharing my knowledge and passion for art, history and food culture. I also enjoy traveling myself and my aim is to make everyone's tour as comfortable as possible.

My guiding languages are Spanish, English, and Italian.

Feel free to contact me for any information you may need!

Sprachen Englisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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