MARIA Abud ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Chile


I am a new member of the team in 2019. I am very happy to be part of this new family and looking forward to share my passion, knowldege and enthusiasm on guiding in the Lake District region. A little bit about myself here now:

With and endless passion hiking, biking, horse riding and adventure activities in Patagonia, and years of experience (since 1998) I decided to put all my knowledge and dedication into one package and founded Patagonia Trails based in Puerto Varas, Chile. I run different kind of shore tours in Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas, eco walks, designed trips for solo women, FIT, Family trips, and for special needs people showing the travelers the bounty of this region visiting Frutillar, Osorno Volcano and hidden trails of this area of privileged lakes and mountains. I would like to invite you to open your emotions into this beautiful Volcanic Land and share it with you. I like being with people showing and taking them around, while experiencing a cultural exchange between me, us and them.

Do not hesitate on contacting me for any questions.

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