Moonsa Azizi ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Iran

Welcome to Moonsa Azizi - Your Guide to Exploring Magical Iran!

I am Moonsa Azizi, your passionate driver guide, ready to take you on an unforgettable journey through Iran's culture, history, and natural beauty. With personalized tours and attention to detail, I aim to create meaningful connections and lasting memories. Let's embark on an extraordinary adventure together as we unlock the treasures of Iran and weave moments that enrich your soul.

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD)

Exkursionen (6)

Touristenmeinung (2)

Eli Yad
29 JUL 2023
Mahsa was wonderful! She was Full of knowledge and energy,I learned a lot that I don't think I would have ever gotten that much information from any other tour. She was detail oriented and a great time manager! She was friendly, kind and very passionate, she showed me a lot of interesting places. She changed my view of Iranian cities, culture and history! Everyone needs a private tour guide like Mahsa to travel to Iran! Thank you very much for this experience, Mahsa, you are the best !!!
Amir Azz
31 JUL 2023
Having an experienced and knowledged guide is the most important part of travelling, which i found in moonsa. I took classic Iran tour whith her , he showed me main caltural and natural tourism attractions around Iran with highly information explanations as well.
While you deside travel to Iran,
She is Most recommended 👍👍👍
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