+Eru Mamak ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Indonesien

Eru Mamak is a professional Tour Guide / Tour Leader in Sumatra. As a general (originally Minang born and raised) I have been engaged as a guide in Sumatra for a decade ( especially in West Sumatra and Mentawai area ). I always promote good practice and a hands-on approach for all my guests, thus making them truly immersed in the daily life of the Mentawai Tribe. I graduated from the University of Padang majoring in history, which enables me to see and explain a bigger picture of the locals and Indonesia in general.

   What do others say about me? - I am highly responsible, reliable, and patient with all Mentawai visitors. I am a knowledgeable and skilled licensed guide as well. I speak English, French, and Spanish fluently. Most of my tourists come from France, Spain, and other European countries.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Indonesisch, malaiisch, Spanisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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