Theodore Stamatis ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Griechenland

My recognised ability is to be able to communicate with people from many different backgrounds, cultures and countries. I am fluent in Greek and I have an advanced knowledge of the English language.

I deal with tours and transfers for over 13 years and I am working as a local guide and as a professional driver. This is a great opportunity for me to introduce my country's history and culture. To me it's not just a business, it is a way to meet new people.

With me you are going to be able to experience different types of tours such as half day tours, full day tours, multiday tours and a wine tasting private tours in Athens.

Trust my services and I will do my best to make your trip to Athens a unique travel experience!

Sprachen Englisch, Griechisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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