Jean-Paul HOUNDAGNON ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Benin, Togo

‘‘Home is not where we live, home is where we belong’’. This old African proverb expresses perfectly the importance of knowing one’s roots. And Africa is known as the cradle of humankind.

I’m a tour guide and a tour operator from Benin. If you are considering visiting Africa; especially West Africa, Benin is one of the places you would love to visit. It is a beautiful country with so much to discover and as a local guide and someone who speaks perfectly many local dialects, French as well as English, I make sure you miss nothing of the amazing things Benin has to offer. I make your stay stressless on hotel booking, transportation, and finding restaurants.

what I'm proposing is real contact with the local people. Interactive and participative activities that make you enjoy every moment you spend here in Benin. From the moment you step on the ground at the airport to the moment you step in your plane for departure we make you feel at home.

I'm taking you on a cultural tour where you don't just learn about our culture but live it. visit the Dantokpa market; the biggest market of West Africa and enjoy an art walk at the artisanal center in Cotonou, where you can see art and interact with the artists and get them to make something special for you or even make an art piece together with them. Discover rhythms and dances of Benin, see local people performing those dances, and join them for a quick dance class and a transcendent and joyful moment.

Enrich your knowledge about the history of slavery and colonization and how the former Dahomey kingdom fought it with it's women warrior called "amazones". The visit of the forest of kpassè, the python temple, the slave route in Ouidah, and the royal palace in Abomey will enlighten you about some untold truths regarding slavery and open your mind about some ancient traditions and mores of the people of Benin.

Immerse yourself in the world of mystery with our religious heritage tour and learn about voodoo and some rites and festivals attached to it. As the origin of Voodoo, Benin is worldwide known for its strong and predominant spirituality, so for any spiritual concern or research, Benin is more certainly the best place you can get satisfaction.

on our gastronomic tour, discover our delicious local cuisine, and get to learn how to cook some of our local foods with a home cooking class at mama Amour’s house. And enjoy a dinner with a local family at their place and feel the love and the hospitality of the people of Benin.

on our medicinal tour, learn about traditional medicine and some herbal plants proven to have medicinal value in the relief and treatment of various ailments. Learn how plants are used and the role each of them plays.

On our safari tour, visit the National Penjari park and explore nature’s wonders, shoot nice pictures of attractive and fascinating landscapes, discover the fauna and flora.

I will be delighted to be your guide for an exciting and memorable tour. I schedule your tour to suit your needs and at an affordable price. Cost and Payment. Shorter visits, longer visits, and group rates can all be negotiated


1. Airport pick up

2. Hotel reservation

3. Tour guide

4. Drinking water provided

4. Transportation

5. Tour planning/arrangement

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Teilgebiet (XOF)

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