Ольга Якимова ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Russland

  • English
  • Русский

I offer individual and group tours, excursions in the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic.

I select individual routes according to your desires and capabilities.

I will compose a personal turnkey tour on any topic:

- First acquaintance with Altai

- Ethnic tourism in Altai,

- Gastro-tourism, for those who are not averse to combining business with pleasure.

- Retreat - tours, we fulfill wishes, "reboot" ourselves in the spiritual Altai

- Photo tours of the most beautiful and powerful locations in Altai

- Tours "All inclusive" at the international level of service.

Arrange a meeting at the airport or railway station; transfer of any class from the meeting point; assistance in accommodation in recreation areas of any level.

Included: 2 meals a day (breakfast and dinner), all major excursions along the route.

Предлагаю индивидуальные и групповые туры и экскурсии по Алтайскому Краю и Республике Алтай.

Подбираю индивидуальные маршруты под возможности и физическую форму туристов.

Составлю персональный тур "под ключ" под любую тематику:

- Первое знакомство с Алтаем.

- Этнотуризм по аАлтаю

- Гастротуризм по кухне Алтайских народов.

- Ретрит - туры

- Фототуры по заповедным местам

- Туры "All inclusive" на международном уровне сервиса

Sprachen Russisch
Währungen Rubel (RUB)

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