Esraa Ahmed ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Ägypten, USA

Im free licensed female Tour Guide

Trip planner

8 years experience

I'm living in Cairo, I'll show you around Egypt 🇪🇬

Feel free to contact me

I can plan your tours around Egypt ( private vehicle, flight tickets, Nile cruise, and other )

Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD)

Exkursionen (14)

Touristenmeinung (2)

Константин Куванов
24 NOV 2022
Esraa! Trip to Giza, Saqqarah, Dahshour and Cairo was great, we were also met at the airport and returned to airport in evening. Esraa was able to make competent route and organize everything in the highest class. Thank you very much, Dear!
Adrian Pier
02 JAN 2024
Esraa is the best. She went beyond measure to provide an exceptional experience.During my visit to Cairo, she provides a substantial explanation regarding particular landmarks located within the country.
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