George Sialadakis ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Griechenland

Rhodes Private Tours and Shore Excursions

Dear valuable clients

We know very well that our best advertising

is happy clients, who will come back

and send over their friends to use our services.

All our luxury Mercedes Benz vehicles are fully equipped and meet the safety requirements

of the European Commission.

Our drivers, are knowledgeable, courteous

and always there to help you enjoy every moment of your visit on Rhodes Island.

On behalf of the island of Rhodes, it is our privilege to invite you to the most beautiful island in Greece.

We hope that you will accept our invitation

and give us the opportunity to show you

the hidden treasures of our home island.

Kind regards,George Sialadakis

Important Note :

We have α full knowledge of the quality of Rhodes’ life, and we can transport you safely and

comfortably to the most beautiful parts of the island, but in no case do we perform the duties of an official Guide.

Sprachen Englisch, Griechisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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