Jemimah Jematiah ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Kenia

I am a Kenyan lady who is honest, reliable, patient and spontaneous. I love adventure and guiding people in Kenya.

I am a competent, careful and strong driver ,a great cook and a decent house where I can host too on low budget,cook and drive you around in accordance to your budget and schedule.

I can also run your errands across international boarders as long as you keep up with the right procedures and protocols related to the errand.

I have great communication skills and flexibility. I can offer Swahili lessons too !

I will be glad to be your Kenyan guide and trust me you will enjoy your time in Kenya.

I hope to interact with you soon.

Cheers and Blessings ❤️

Sprachen Englisch, Suaheli
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Dollar (AUD), Dollar (CAD)

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