Ehmedova Banu ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Aserbaidschan

  • English
  • Русский

Welcome to my page

My name is Banu ...I am from Azərbaijan, a local tour guide. I have been working as a tour guide for more than 4 years ... I can speak English, Azerbaijani and Russian.

I can provide walking and by-car tours.

My name is Banu .I have been doing this job for more than 4 years :) why?___because i love people ,moving,listening new life stories of people.I studied Sociology at Baku State University.i like documenaris,facts,life stories.My favorite drink is tea (black tea)

Sprachen Englisch, Russisch
Währungen Manat (AZN)

Exkursionen (3)

Touristenmeinung (1)

Guy Smits
10 SEP 2023
We have booked Banu for three daily tours in Baku (Old and New city tour + Fire Mountain in Yanardag and Mud Vulcano in Gobustan). We highly recommend her as a very well English speaking tour guide. She is always friendly and helpful and we had a lot of fun. In one word, she is great!
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