Nureke Vlogs ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Kasachstan

Welcome to Kazakhstan! For now I live in Taraz, near by Shymkent approximately 2 hours and Almaty city 4 hours.

And also not far from my city is the city of Talas Kyrgyzstan 1 hour drive and the city of Bishkek the capital of Kyrgyzstan 4 hours by car.


Very cheerful, kind, i always can find a time for you guys, who want to visit my country!

To meet with people who travel around the world!

I can teach a little bit Russian, Kazakh or Kyrgyz languages

I can show if you want around the city

You can also support me with a donation for gasoline, etc.

Looking for new friends all over the world.

Love to travel and meet new people, new culture, new ideas

Sprachen Englisch, Kasachisch, Kyrgyz, Russisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Tenge (KZT)

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