Tulsi Bhusal ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Nepal

I am Tulsi as a travel Guide in Nepal.

My trekking and tour guide license is verified by the government of Nepal. I have more than 20-year experience in this field. I specialize in trekking all over Nepal, the Himalayas part of India Leh (Ladhak), Sikkim, and Darjeeling. In the same way Tour in Nepal, Tibet, and India ( Delhi, Kolkata, Gangasagar, Goa, and so on.

I am a freelancer, concerned about quality service. sincere about client safety and happiness. So my priority is for the client's safety in every aspect.

I have guidance experience from Everest base camp, Annapurna, Manaslu, Lamtang, Kanchangagha, Rara lake, Dolpa, Upper Mustang, Amalapcha, Mera peak, Island peak, Three pass on the Everest region, Makalu, Tamang heritage, Tilicho (Mesaokunda) pass, Damodar Kunda, Tsum valley, Nar Phu, etc.

In the same way, I have experience with heritage tours in Kathmandu, Namo Buddha, Pokhara, Chitwan, Lumbini, and so on.

I have guidance from more than 100 country people.

Sprachen Englisch
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