Mehedi Mooin ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Bangladesch, Indien

  • English
  • Русский


I Am doing (BBA) Honors on Tourism from (European University) in Bangladesh.

I Have already visited Bangladesh, I have visited all the historical places and tourist places of Bangladesh. I have a very good idea about every tour sport of Bangladesh. I am already working as a guide and have great experience on how to travel on a budget and see everything. I have visited all the departments of Bangladesh starting from Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. And I am a tourist myself. I visited the sea mountains and historical places of Bangladesh for the last 8 years and had a great experience with Bangladesh. I want you to take a tour plane with my advice and visit Bangladesh in a short time in a small budget.

I Am Mehdi Hasan Moin. I am doing Honors on Tourism from European University in Bangladesh. I have already visited Bangladesh, I have visited all the historical places and tourist places of Bangladesh. I have a very good idea about every tour sport of Bangladesh. I am already working as a guide and have great experience on how to travel on a budget and see everything. I have visited all the departments of Bangladesh starting from Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. And I am a tourist myself.

Sprachen Englisch, hindi
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Dollar (CAD)

Exkursionen (10)

Touristenmeinung (1)

Marcin Stachula
03 APR 2024
I spent two exciting days in Dhaka, Bangladesh. All thanks to the extremely polite and incredibly nice Mehedi. He showed me the real Dhaka, without icing and embellishment, he showed me how real people live. He took us on a boat ride and to the shipyard, we rode a rickshaw and a bus, everything we could....:).
I'm not a fan of visiting monuments, although I didn't go there either :). I would never have seen so much in such a short time on my own. I recommend it to everyone. It was a great experience.
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