Suresh Gurung ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Nepal

Hi everyone !! Namaste from Nepal !!

I am Suresh Gurung, a professional trekking guide and leader from Nepal. I come from the Manaslu region, west Nepal which is home to the world's 8th highest peak, Mt. Manaslu (8163m). I have been in the tourism sector since 2012.

I am passionate about my job and I'm always excited to guide you to the mountains sharing my knowledge and learn from you as well. I can speak English and French fluently. I have been to more than 15 different regions of Nepal for the last 12 years. In every trip, experience and safety of the group are my utmost priority.

I have undertaken various trainings like wilderness first aid, basic rock climbing, basic mountain rescue, navigation, etc.

Currently, I'm doing a masters degree in adventure tourism studies. I did my Bachelor's degree in Nepalese culture and Rural Development.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch

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