Mustapha Karraoui ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Marokko

My name is Mustapha. I am your guide and will support you during the tour. I am fully licensed, professional tour guide since 2018 for English language. As a proud native Berber man from Morocco, I will introduce you to rich historical facts of my country,.

I promise you are going to enjoy your stay here in Morocco. This is a beautiful, quiet country where you can relax, sit by the beach, enjoy great meals and feel very safe. You can walk into town and enjoy the fountains or take a moonlit walk along the sand dunes .I am graduated in English studies ;linguistics plus I got a diplomat of German language and I am a certified city and Circuit Tour Guide.

I am Berber by origin from the desert.I am happy to show you my country which is rich in culture and sightseeing

Feel free to contact me through this website. I used to work with many travel agencies. Now i work as freelance by my self.I guide private groups ,solo,couples and families

Anyone is welcomed to experience the life in Morocco

Currently,I work as a city tour guide in Marrakech and I also do tours around Morocco.

My aim from guiding is to show the diverse of my country's culture and landscapes one can enjoy in a lifetime.

It is time to book your flight tickets and aim to visit this wonderful country Morocco

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Dirham (MAD), Pfund (GBP)

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