Norbu Gurung ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Nepal


My name is Norbu Gurung.I am from Mustang.I mostly live in Kathmandu. I m a local guide from upper and lower mustang.also I trek many places in different area of Nepal.I have 17 years experience on my trek..But mostly I can trek in upper and lower Mustang because of my birth place and also knew many knowledge and Information about culture and heritage.I m educated person I passed my +2 level from sarawoti kunja international collage from Kathmandu.after finished my 12 level..I join Nepal Mountain Academy and I got certificate and license.I know the so many place in mustang.Mustang is very beautiful place and your destination place to visit.they have so many old caves and oldest houses which is made up clay and mud. You can also see a many different mountain and hills and wildlife animals. Ghar Gumba is the oldest gumba from upper mustang and it is represent Guru Rinpoche which is made in 8 centuries. You must visit Mustang and you can feel like a heaven..

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