Climb mount Kilimanjaro

Lingua Inglese
Costo 1500 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Gruppo fino a 5 persone
Durata 6 giorni

Climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania 5895m.

There are six established routes to climb Mount Kilimanjaro - Marangu, Machame, Lemosho, Shira, Rongai and Umbwe. The Marangu, Machame, and Umbwe routes all approach from the south of the mountain (Mweka is used only for descent). The Lemosho and Shira routes approach from the west. The Rongai route approaches from the north.

Selecting a route is a tough choice for most. To find the best route for you, considerations should be taken for the route's scenery, difficulty, traffic and its altitude acclimatization characteristics.

You should plan spending at least 6 days (5 nights) on the mountain (5 days on the Marangu Route if already acclimatized). This is a Kilimanjaro Park guideline.


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