Climb Kilimanjaro marangu route

Lingua Inglese
Costo 1445 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Gruppo fino a 5 persone
Durata 6 giorni

The Marangu route is the easiest route to the summit of Kilimanjaro, sometimes called the Coca-Cola Route. The Marangu route takes you at a gentle pace through forests, moorlands and then across The Saddle, a high-altitude desert separating the main summit, Kibo, 5896m, from craggy Mawenzi, 5149m, to Kibo Hut. From here an early start is made for the ascent to Uhuru Point (the highest top of Kibo). The path zig-zags up steep scree which is easier to climb when frozen. The views from the crater rim at Gillmans Point at dawn can be spectacular. Uhuru Peak lies a further 1h. around the rim.

Accommodation on the mountain is in comfortable huts. You will need a sleeping bag, warm clothes and walking poles. This is a tough walking trip but within the limits of a fit individual used to walking in mountain areas. An extra day for acclimatization to the altitude is recommended at Horombo Huts from where there are various walks to enjoy.


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