Ibérica Peninsula

Lingua Inglese, Francese, Portoghese, spagnolo
Costo 450 EUR per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Qualsiasi numero di persone
Durata 1 giorno

Alaways qualifieds

Roger Tours with Rogerio Cavalinhos organize a Incredible tour through Spain and Portugal. Travel the scenic route from Madrid to Barcelona, visiting cosmopolitan metropolises, sleepy seaside villages, quaint towns set amid rolling green hills and atmospheric medieval citadels along the way. Admire the masterpieces of Picasso, Dali and Gaudi, experience the passion of flamenco, taste some of the best port in the world and be graced by the style and sophistication of Madrilenos, Lisboetas and Barcelonians – this history- and culture-packed adventure flaunts the very best of Spain and Portugal.

#rogertours #sightseeings #Portugal #Spain


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