DOUGGA & TESTOUR ( min 4 pax)

Lingua Inglese, Francese, spagnolo
Costo 120 EUR per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Qualsiasi numero di persone
Durata 8 ore

- Drive to DOUGGA the most prestigious of Tunisia's archaeological sites and recorded in December 1997 on the World Heritage List of UNESCO

- Arrival & Guided Visit of the archaeological site. These ruins of a complete city with all its components are a testimony to more than 17 centuries of history. They are an outstanding example illustrating the synthesis between different cultures: Numidian, Punic, Hellenistic, and Roman. The Roman monuments were integrated within the urban fabric, essentially Numidian. Despite its relative unimportance in the administrative structure of the Roman province of Africa, Dougga possesses a remarkable group of public buildings, dating for the most part from the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D. Dougga is considered the best preserved example of an Africo-Roman town in North Africa. As such, it is an exceptional illustration of what daily life was like in Antiquity.

- free lunch

- Conitnuation to Testour the moorish village as it was rebuilt by Muslim and Jewish refugees who originated from Andalusia

- Arrival and guided visit of the village and espcially The beautifully decorative Great Mosque

- Way Back to Tunis

Package includes :

- Transportation

- all entrance fees


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