Explore Zanzibar Beach

Lingua Inglese
Costo 1200 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Qualsiasi numero di persone
Durata 4 giorni

Archipelago Zanzibar is a group of coral islands located near Easter coast of Africa, washed by the Indian Ocean. The biggest island of this archipelago, Zanzibar, is known for its fairy-tale and pristine tropical life atmosphere and high hospitality standards. The North and West of Zanzibar are endless beaches, where turquoise water crosses the boundaries of imagination. South-eastern areas are real paradise for surfers.

The island is not yet popular among tourists, and you will enjoy individual excursions and activities, such as visiting spice plantations, walking between lanais and ferns in the wild jungles, meeting large Galapagos turtles and even a catching swordfish during deep-water fishing!


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