Private full day tour - lake Titicaca

Lingua Aymara, Inglese, Portoghese, Quechua, spagnolo
Costo 310 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Gruppo fino a 5 persone
Durata 9 ore

I will pick you up from your hotel, then take you to the port to take a boat to enjoy afterwords this maravelous lake.

Lake Titicaca is a large, deep lake in the Andes of Peru, By volume of water and by surface area, it is the largest lake in South America.

Taquile Island is an indigenous community that preserves original traditions and organization, well known as the best weavers. With over 2500 people living there. And also visit the famous islands of Uros floating islands. An excellent budget choice for a day visit.


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