Tanbaly tas+Ungurtas

Lingua Inglese, Russo
Costo 130 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Gruppo fino a 5 persone
Durata 6 ore

Tanbaly tract is located in Anrakay mountains 175 km north-west from Almaty city. Tanbaly has an interesting complex of archaeological

monuments:petroglyphs, burial grounds and settlements from different historical periods from the Bronze Age to ethnographic time. Tanbaly is cult center a kind of natural temple in the open air. Numerous images of sun deities and solar symbols witness the sun worship among people who lived here. Today Tanbaly is the richest sanctuary in the variety of subjects, containing valuable information on the worldview of bronze era tribes of Kazakhstan. Monuments was included in the UNESCO WORD CUTURAL HERITAGE.


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