1-day hike to the highest mountain of the Western Beskids

Lingua Inglese, Polacco, Spagnolo
Costo 220 EUR per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Gruppo fino a 4 persone
Durata 1 giorno

One day hike to the highest peak of Western Beskidy Mountains - Babia Góra (1725 m asl), which offers impressive views to surrounding mountain ranges, including the Tatra Mountains.

The top parts of Babia Góra mountain represent the only alpine belt to be found in the Beskids. This was one of the reasons for establishing a National Park in this area.

The trip departure is from Krakow or Zawoja. Good physical condition is required as we will ascend 700-1000m depending on a route chosen. Difficulty level is adjusted to the group - the most attractive trails is equipped with metal steps and chains.

Entrance fee to the National Park is not included in the price.


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