Lingua Inglese, Francese, spagnolo
Costo 1590 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Qualsiasi numero di persone
Durata 1 settimana

Day 1

Machame Gate to Machame Camp

Elevation: 1,790m to 3,010 m

Distance: 10 km

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Habitat: Rain Forest

After breakfast you will be picked up at the Keys Hotel at 09:30 am and drive to Machame entrance gate of mount Kilimanjaro National Park located about an hour’s drive away. At the gate your guide will be busy with the registration forms and porters will be weighing the luggage, you can walk around the entrance gate seeing monkeys or watch the mountain team preparing for the climb and once this is all done, your Kilimanjaro trekking adventure will start. In no time you will be deep within the wonderful mountain rainforest with very old trees, ancient ferns, liana, lichen and moss that carpets the ground and drapes from the trees. You will hear and with a little luck, even spot the beautiful black and white colobus monkeys in the treetops. After a walk of 5 to 6 hours, you will reach the day’s destination – the Machame Camp which is located just above the tree line at 3,010 meter. At the camp, at the base of Mt Kilimanjaro, you will have your first mountain hot dinner followed by an overnight stay.

Day 2

Machame Camp to Shira Camp

Elevation: 3,010 m to 3,750 m

Distance: 5 km

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Habitat: Moorland zone

After an early morning breakfast, you will start your second day trekking, the path steepens and the landscape changes into moor- and heath land and the open landscape allows you to see the exciting mountain range. The second day’s destination is shorter than the previous day and you will arrive at the Shira Camp by mid-afternoon. The camp has an incredible view of the mountain and during sunset, the sun lights the rock face and glacier of Kibo.

Day 3

Trekking Shira Camp to Lava Tower to Barranco Camp

Elevation: 3,750 m to 4,640 and to 3,960 m

Distance: 10 km

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Habitat: Moorland zone

Today you will climb up about 800 meter but you will be camping at an elevation only slightly higher than the previous night. This will allow your body to acclimatise better since you will have relatively altitude. The hike begins with a long ascent above the Shira Plateau in the direction of the Lava Tower 4,640 meter. The vegetation becomes sparser as the landscape changes to an afro-alpine desert. The route passes through the wide Barranco Valley with its lobelia and giant senecio plants. After a 6 to 7 hours walk, you will arrive at the most stunning camp on the mountain – the Barranco Camp.

Day 4

Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp

Elevation: 3,960 m to 4,035 m

Distance: 6 km

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Moorland zone

Today the Barranco Wall stands before you to conquer. Some stages will require you to use your hands for a better grip, but no actual climbing is necessary and your guide will be with you every step of the way to provide a helping hand. The route with its numerous ascents and descents allow you a chance for further acclimatization, before reaching the mountain ridge. Walking along the ridge you can take in the beautiful landscape with its stunning contrasts of desert and vegetation, before finally reaching the cloudy Karanga Camp. Your trek will take between 3 to 4 hours, leaving more than enough time to rest and play a game of rummy.

Day 5

Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp

Elevation: 4,035 m to 4,640 m

Distance: 4 km

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert

Awakening to the sunlight dancing off the Kibo Summit, you will enjoy an energetic breakfast before setting out to today’s destination – the Barafu Camp. Most of the day will be spent walking through very dry deserted terrain, with Kibo ever present on your left side. After 3-4 hours you will reach Barafu Camp, where you will have an early dinner and overnight as the highlight of your trip is only a few short hours away

Day 6

Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak to Mweka Camp.

Elevation: 4,640 m to 5,895 m and then to 3,080 m

Distance: 17.5 km

Hiking Time: 13 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert

At around midnight you will be awoken by your guide with a warm cup of tea and biscuits to get you ready for your final ascent. The moon and your headlamps will be your only source of light as you make your way up to Stella Point, reaching the crater rim in about 5 – 7 hours. Another 1 – 2 hours will take you to Uhuru Peak 5,895 meter, where you can enjoy the sun rising over the African landscape, casting a pink hue over the snowy peak and making the glaciers sparkle like diamonds around you. After capturing this incredible view and achievement on film, you will start your descent along the same route back to Barafu Camp, where your team awaits you with some snacks and refreshments. Rested and relaxed you will make your way to Mweka Camp for your last night on the highest mountain on African continent.

Day 7

Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate to Moshi

Elevation: 3,080 m to 1,630 m

Distance: 10 km

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Rain forest

A delicious breakfast is followed by a traditional farewell ceremony from your mountain crew, before you start your final stretch down the mountain. You will once more trek through the rainforest, giving you another opportunity to spot the cheeky colobus monkeys, finally reaching the Mweka gate in about 2 – 3 hours. You will be met at the gate and taken back to moshi.


-Airport pickup

-All nights’ accommodation in tents during the climbing

-Sleeping mattress

-Professional, experienced, mountain guides

-All Park fees and rescue fees

-Arrival and Departure transfers (at the gate and from gate)

-Guides, Porters, cook salaries and park fees

-Large portions of fresh, healthy, nutritious food

-Clean, purified drinking water

-Fair and ethical treatment of porters

What is not included in the price:

-Tanzania Visa: $50 per person on arrival

-Personal Expenses (e.g. laundry, telephone, beverages, etc.)

-Optional Tours (short safari after your climb etc)



- 1 - Waterproof Jacket, breathable with hood

- 1 - Insulated Jacket, synthetic or down

- 1 - Soft Jacket, fleece or soft-shell

- 2 - Long Sleeve Shirt, light-weight, moisture-wicking fabric

- 1 - Short Sleeve Shirt, light-weight, moisture-wicking fabric

- 1 - Waterproof Pants, (ski pants)

- 2 - Hiking Pants (convertible to shorts recommended)

- 1 - Fleece Pants

- 1 - Shorts (optional)

- 1 - Long Underwear (moisture-wicking fabric recommended)

- 3 - Underwear, briefs (moisture-wicking fabric recommended)


- 1 - Hiking Boots, warm, waterproof

- 1 - Gym Shoes, to wear at camp (optional)

- 2 - Socks, thick, wool or synthetic

- 3 - Sock Liners, tight, thin, synthetic, worn under socks to prevent blisters (optional)


- 1 - Sleeping Bag, warm

- 1 - Trekking Poles (highly recommended)

- 1 - Head lamp, with extra batteries

- 1 - Duffel bag or muchila, for porters to carry your equipment

- 1 - Daypack, for you to carry your personal gear


- 1 - Brimmed Hat, for sun protection

- 1 - Knit Hat, for warmth

- 1 - Balaclava or buff for face coverage


- 1 - Gloves, warm (waterproof recommended)

- 1 - Glove Liners, thin which can under waterproof gloves


- 1 - Sunglasses

- 1 - Backpack Cover, waterproof (optional)

- 1 - Poncho,

- 1 - Water Bottle 1.5 litter

- 1 - Water Bladder, Camelbak type

- 1 - Towel, lightweight, quick-dry

- Stuff Sacks or Plastic Bags, various sizes, to keep gear dry and separate


- Sunscreen

- Lip Balm

- First Aid Kit

- Hand Sanitizer

- Toilet Paper for 1st day

- Wet Wipes (recommended)

- Snacks, light-weight, high energy

- Pencil and Notebook, miniature, for trip log (optional)

- Camera, with extra batteries (optional


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