West bank

Lingua Inglese, Russo
Costo 60 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Gruppo fino a 4 persone
Durata 6 ore

Hello, my friend, west of Luxor is one of the greatest and most enjoyable trips, where there are many archaeological sites that are not enough to visit in one day, but it is possible to visit many of them, beginning with the Temple of Ramesses III (Madinat Habu) - the Valley of the Kings, where the royal tombs carved into the rope with colors and the most charming scenery - Visiting Deir el-Medina (the city of workers), where it is possible to see the houses and tombs of the makers of civilization, in addition to the Roman temple - the temple of Queen Hatshepsut, which is unique in its architectural style and what it contains of the views of the Punt country mission and the blood room - visiting the tombs of nobles and dignitaries rich in scenes of daily life and a lot of industrial crafts

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