Sahara desert explore (2days)

Lingua Inglese, Francese, Russo, spagnolo
Costo 180 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Gruppo fino a 4 persone
Durata 2 giorni

In this trip we are going to visit :

The 1st day:

The Colosseum of El jem

The bereber village Matmata and tamaezret and lunching there.

The gate of the Sahara desert the village of douz and spending a night near the sundy dunes. In douz we can do additional tour with a camel and quad(ATV).

The 2nd day :

Take the road to tozeur city acrossing the largest Salt Lake named chott el jerid

The first visit will the oldest oasis of.

chebika and the river with waterfall.

This tour costed 180 dollars per person included transport, hotels, lunch and access to all places

The star wars design in the middle of the Sahara

Lunch in the city of gafsa

Visiting the city of kairouan

Come back to the hotel around 6am.

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