FLOATING MARKET AND XEO QUYT( Dong Thap/ Sa Dec)In 1 Day ( from 06:00 AM to 16:00 PM)

Lingua Inglese, vietnamita
Costo 98 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti 1 persona
Durata 10 ore


 At 6:00 in the morning, you will be picked up by your personal guide and we will start the Mekong Delta trip.

 At around 7:00, a delicious Vietnamese breakfast will be served on the small sampan at the biggest floating market in Viet Nam. Here you also have the opportunity to try Vietnamese coffee from the “floating minibar”.

 Then you will give a hand to make rice noodles at the local workshop. It will be a new challenge to feel the real local life in Mekong Viet Nam.

 08:00 AM, our driver and tour guide will welcome and pick up you at the hotel in Can Tho City.

 The first visit is Sadec flower village where tourists seem to be lost in a fairyland, full of colours and aromas of diverse flowers and plants, namely dahlia, hydrangeas, orchids, areca, wrightia religiosa, hibiskus rosa-sinensis and African marigold. The village also boasts several varieties of roses in different colours of red, violet, pink, white and orange.

 The next stop is the magnificent 52-hectare Xeo Quyt forest. One vast swamp beneath a beautiful thick canopy of tall trees and vines, it hides the remains of Viet Cong bunkers, which can be seen by rowing sampan inside the forest.

 Continuing the journey to Sadec town for visiting Kien An Cung pagoda .

 Have Vietnamese authentic lunch (included)

 03:00 PM, take the car back to Can Tho City. End the tour around 04:00 PM.


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