Heritage Walk Fontainhas

Lingua Inglese
Costo 13 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti 1 persona
Durata 2 ore

The modern word Panaji is derived from the words panjani and khali, which mean a boat and a small creek respectively, in Sanskrit. Thus the modern word Panjim is believed to be a corruption of the old word Panjanakhani .

We will begin our walk from the traditional causeway Ponte de Linhares which was built to handle the load of horse drawn carriages of its time but has handled the load of heavy motor vehicles since then. We will be covering up all the important buildings of the Portuguese era which would also include the famous landmark of the present day city the immaculate conception church , than proceeding towards the Old quarters of the city known as Fontainhas, stopping by a traditional bakery making Goan sweets on a woodfire flame to enjoy some of these amazing local sweets.


1. Linhares Bridge meeting point to start the walk.

2. Old Quarter walk.

3. Taste of local Goan sweets at confeitaria 31 Janeiro

What’s Included:

1. Taste of Local Goan Sweets

2. English Speaking Guide

What’s Not included :

1. As this is a walking tour no pick up or drop off to your respective hotel will be arranged. { No Transport Included }


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