Colors and fragrances of Senegal

Lingua Olandese, Inglese, Esperanto, Francese, Italiano
Costo 1450 EUR per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Qualsiasi numero di persone
Durata 1 settimana 1 giorno

08 days and 7 night

Visits: day 1 dakar-Goree

Arrival and transfer to Dakar to Axil Hotel or similar

Day 2: Dakar-Goree


After breakfast, departure for Dakar, a modern metropolis full of contradictions and African black gates, to discover the residential quarters, markets, artisan galleries, the university, the rebirth monument, the Independence Square, the Medina quarter, etc... Continuation to the island of Gorée

From the 15th to the 19th century, Gorée was the largest slave trade centre on the African coast. Under alternating Portuguese, Dutch, English and French rule, its architecture is characterised by the contrast between the dark slave quarters and the elegant houses of the slave traders. Gorée Island remains a symbol of human exploitation and a sanctuary for reconciliation

Full-board dinner and overnight stay at several colonial houses scattered around the island

Full board accommodationDay 3: Lompoul-Saint Louis


morning after breakfast: Take a moment to enjoy the island before it is overrun with visitors. Exploring the island at a quieter time will help make your experience more authentic and memorable! Departure by ferry to visit the famous and typical Tylene market

Lunch on the island of Ngor, which seduces with its tranquillity and airy climate. Ngor means 'dignity' in the Wolof language. It is 400 metres from the bay that bears the name of the fishermen's village Lebou,

the charm of this island, which measures 500 m by 200 m. Its beautiful beaches attract tourists in winter, while locals flock to the island during the school holidays. After lunch, we continue to Lake Retba for dinner and overnight stay at Keur Salim or similar.Day 5 Saint Louis- Touba- Toubacouta


Departure after breakfast in a 6X6 in the footsteps of Rally- paris-Dakar through the sand dunes with a beautiful route on the edge of the great coast. After the visit drive to Thies, visit its market, lunch in Thies and departure for Ngouumba Guewoul where we visit a Baobab cemetery where the griots were buried, this tree is considered to be a symbol of Senegal, representing a unique union between death and life, embodying a deep cultural significance in the region.

This Baobab so called, Sanctuary of the griots: guardians of the oral tradition, played an essential role in the preservation of history and culture, it was also a sacred place where the griots gathered to pass on stories. A visit to this extraordinary place offers a unique opportunity to explore Senegal's cultural richness and to understand the deep connection between nature.

After lunch, we continue on to Saint Louis. Dinner and overnight stay at Shroud or hotel la residence or similar

Overnight stay with full board


Created in 1971, the Djoudj National Bird Park has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1981.

Located some sixty kilometres north of Saint-Louis, in the Senegal delta, in the Sahel, the Djoudj Park is a succession of wetlands with fresh or brackish water, Sahelian savannah with numerous canals, lakes, reservoirs and marshes...

With an area of 16,000 hectares, 395 species of birds (almost three million) have been recorded, making it the third largest bird reserve in the world. Return to Saint Louis for lunch in a local restaurant where we discover Senegalese gastronomy.

Afternoon visit of the historical centre of Saint-Louis.

Saint-Louis is today just a simple regional capital of Senegal, its glorious past resurfaces in its streets. Its architectural and cultural heritage is such that Saint-Louis of Senegal has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000. Its famous Faidherbe bridge, which connects it to the mainland, dates from 1865. Visit the Gued Ndar fishing district, the most populated in West Africa. Dinner and overnight stay with full board at Sindone Hotel or the Residence


Partenza la mattina per la citta santa di Touba. La città venne fondata nel 1887 da Cheikh Amadou Bamba in persona quando, in un momento di estasi sotto l’ombra di un grande albero, ebbe un’esperienza mistica. Proprio per questo decise di erigere qui la città destinata a diventare simbolo del Muridismo e, in generale, di tutta la spiritualità senegalese. Nemmeno il nome è casuale ma è ancora una volta da legarsi al profondo spirito di fede e di Islam che aleggia su questo luogo incredibile. Tuba, infatti, in arabo vuol dire “felicità, estasi”, oltre ad essere il nome di uno degli alberi del Paradiso coranico dopo la visita proseguimento verso il delta del Saloum

formato dai bracci di tre fiumi. Il sito comprende canali di acqua salmastra e quasi 200 isole e isolotti, mangrovie, un ambiente marittimo atlantico e un bosco secco.

Il sito si trova nella zona costiera a nord del Gambia e occupa una parte significativa del delta di Sine-Saloum, un labirinto paludoso di mangrovie e bolonghi. Giro in barca allo scoperta di questi bei canali di acqua e mangrovie. Cena e pernottamento in pensione completa presso al lodge le paletuviers oppure Keur Saloum o similare

Pernotamento in pensione completa


Departure for a visit to Joal Fadiouth. We will cross the marshy areas of the Saloum delta which form a large labyrinth for Joal, the birthplace of the first President Senghor. Visit Fadiouth, an original and picturesque place, a peculiar island made entirely of shells. Another curiosity, the millet granaries on stilts or the shell cemetery where Muslims and Catholics rest eternally together without separation. In the sunlight, the whiteness of the shells makes this place even more fascinating. Lunch and on to Saly . Dinner and full-board overnight stay at the Africa queen hotel or similar

Full-board overnight stay


Departure in the morning for a visit to the Bandia reserve, a small ecological jewel of flora and fauna, large African mammals: giraffes, antelopes, rhinoceroses, zebras, austricas, monkeys, gazelles etc. in semi-freedom. An unforgettable safari. Free lunch at the hotel. In the afternoon you will enjoy the beach, the Somone Lagoon and return to the hotel for dinner and transfer to the airport.

Accommodation on ½ board

The quotation includes

Tour by air-conditioned bus or minibus

Full board accommodation as per the programme

Tours as described

Entrance fees to museums and parks, visits, hotels and lodges, ferry, boat tours, buggy, driver, assistance and airport

Italian-speaking guide, and lunch on the last day

The quotation does not include

Drinks with meals


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