Shirvan National Park (Safari)

Lingua Inglese, Tedesco, Russo, Turco
Costo 150 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Gruppo fino a 5 persone
Durata 1 ora

Shirvan National Park — is a national park of Azerbaijan. It was established on July 5, 2003 within the territory of Salyan Rayon administrative districts. Its surface area is 54,373.5 hectares (543.735 km2).

The reserve‘s activity is focused on the protection and reproduction of the Goitered Gazelle (Gazella sulgutturosa), waterfowl birds and typical plant biotypes of the Shirvan Lowland.

Among rare mammals species there are red fox, Persian gazelle, wild boar, wolf, jackal, jungle cat, badger, European hare, and others. Greek tortoise, Persian gazelle, Francolinus francolinus, bustard, little bustard, white-tailed eagle, steppe eagle, peregrine, saker falcon are listed in the Red Book. In the past, this area was once within the Asiatic lion, a population or the junior synonym of the Northern lion's range in the Caucasus, and the Caspian tiger used to visit it from Persia.

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