Day trip to Debrelibanos monastry

Lingua Amarico, Inglese
Costo 400 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Qualsiasi numero di persone
Durata 7 ore

Debrelibanos monastry- (240ks) round way

You are picked up at any place you are in Addis Ababa like at your hotel, guest house or Bole int'l airport then driving north ward using the main road connecting with the historic route. On arrival visit the monastery, which is the major pilgrimage site of Ethiopian Orthodox faithful. More visit of the museum equipped with ancient religious manuscripts and different kinds of church ecclesiastical objects. Then drive back to the beautiful scenery of Jema river valley were you shall see the endemic Gelada Baboons and 16th C Portuguese bridge.

After lunch at the view point, back to Addis Ababa using the same road we had in the morning then drop you at your ending point.

End of excursion

-Price includes


-All entranc fee

-Mini van

-English speaking guide

-Tea,coffee or soft drink on lunch time

-1lt of packed water

Price not includes

-Shopping expense

-Personal interests, like cigarette

-Alcholic drinks or things out of the "price includes"


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