Small-Group Tour from Marrakech to the Atlas mountains

Lingua Arabo, Inglese, Francese, spagnolo
Costo 49 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti 1 persona
Durata 5 ore

A half-day trip to the Atlas Mountains, About an hour form Marrakech. Along the road you will be able to enjoy breathtaking views of the mountains, get a behind the scenes access to see how the local women process the Argan fruit and produce oil and other byproducts. you will also have the chance to enjoy an epic local breakfast.

Our destination will be the Stti Fadma's village, from where will be starting our trekking journey to the cascades, 7 in total that can only be accessible if you're with a local.

All in all you will be able to enjoy a unique experience and discover some really hidden gems .


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