Full Day Tour : Safari Game Drive and Boat Ride on The Somone Lagoon for Birding

Lingua Inglese
Costo 800 USD per escursione
Numero di partecipanti Gruppo fino a 4 persone
Durata 8 ore

Let's start for a lifetime Safari Game Drive in Bandia Animals Reserve,where boarded in a 4WD,we will have 60 miles to cover looking for the most emblematic of the African wild . We will see the : Giraffes ,Rhino , Impalas, Zebras,Roan ,Cap and Derby ,Grand Kudu , Buffaloes , Hyaenas, Warthogs , Green Vervet, Patas Monkeys , Crocodiles..., and beautiful birds : Red-billed Hornbill, Abyssinian Roller ....

Then we head to Somone Birds Reserve ,for a boat ride for birdwatching. Here we can see : Grey heron , Yellow-billed Kite ,Osprey ,African Pygmy and Pied Kingfisher, Caspian , Royal and Sandwich Terns , Eurasian Curley, Whimbrel , Black -tailed Godwit .....

Then you will have the option to have either lunch or a drink in a very nice lagoon front restaurant and back

What's included

Guide services

An air conditioned mini to go to Bandia and back

Customers Bandia entrance fee

4 WD for the Safari Game Drive

Somone Birds Reserve Access fee

Customers Somone Boat ride fee

What's Extra




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