Self Schedule Istanbul Tour with Guide and Driver

Язык Английский
Стоимость 255 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Here’s the chance to get rid of question “where should I go in Istanbul?”

Your driver and our guide will take care of everything. Just let us know about your interest(s) in advance so that we can design a tailor made program for you.

Our drivers know every point of the the city and our professional guide will give you detailed information about places you will visit.

We pick you up from your hotel/cruise ship and our tour start with cup of coffee. Your guide will suggest you the best places in Istanbul and you will decide where to go.


+ Private vehicle with driver

+ Gasoline within limits city center of Istanbul

+ Professional guide in English

+ Pick up and Drop off from/to your hotel/cruise ship


- Personal expenses

- Parking fees

- Entrance fees

- Lunch


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