Israel -North

Язык Английский, Французский
Стоимость 800 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 10 часов


Visit Caesarea, Haifa, overlooking the gardens and the Baha’i Baha’i Temple, the German colony, visit Acre-halls Knights, the Knights of the escape tunnel, and the ancient harbor, visit the Rosh Hanikra-further north and the border with Lebanon, visit the caves created by the sea

4.NORD EAST(option)

Visit Tiberias, Safed and the ancient synagogues, ending a Rosh Pina, the first Jewish settlement in Galilee, in 1882.


Visit Nazareth-the Church of the Annunciation,Mount of Beatitudes,Caprernaum,Tabgha church- the Multiplication and Primacy church,Yardenit-site presume the baptism of Jesus.


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