Dolphin Watching Day Tour from Lisbon

Язык Английский, Немецкий, Португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 90 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Witness bottle-nose dolphins glide through the sea on this full-day guided sea life sightseeing tour from Lisbon. South of Lisbon, discover one of the 10 most beautiful bays in the world, and explore a natural park and a region known for its wines and cheese.

Cruise atop one of the globe’s most scintillating bays in a modern catamaran or a historic salt galleon, and see interesting marine life. You will also voyage to a natural park and learn about it’s history and culture.

This tour begins as you head south from Lisbon to Setúbal, a region best known for its wine, cheese and gastronomy.

Here you will board a modern catamaran, or a fully restored salt galleon (depending on weather and sea conditions), for a relaxing and enjoyable cruise on the Sado Estuary, where you’ll learn about the resident bottlenose dolphins and hopefully be able to observe some wild dolphins in their natural environment. The cruise takes between 2 1/2 to 3 hours.

See the natural reserve of Arrábida, take in the stunning views, and learn about the area’s history and gastronomy. From the ocean, and before returning to the old city centre of Setúbal you’ll see a few of the region’s historic monuments and sites like the Arrábida Convent and the Saint Filipe Fort.

Before returning to Lisbon, you’ll stop at a few sights in the Arrabida Mountain range, from where you can marvel at the natural reserve and get a “land view” of this region.


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