Private Setúbal Wine-tasting Tour

Язык Английский, Немецкий, Португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 110 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Tantalize your taste buds on this private guided Setúbal region wine trip from Lisbon. You’ll stop in a pair of the region’s cellars and a special liqueur producer. Here you will taste fine locally produced wines and liqueurs, and marvel at the spectacular mountain scenery.

On this full-day tour, you can choose one of two options for your tour:

Visit 3 wineries* with 10 wine tastings and enjoy a selection of traditional local cheese, chorizo, and bread.

Visit 2 wineries* with 7 wine tastings followed by a full lunch (entrees, main dish (fish or meat), dessert, and beverage (wine or other) in a small traditional family-owned restaurant in the Palmela village.

We will travel first to Azeitão, an area that is well known for its wines and cheese. You will visit some of the Setúbal Region wine cellars and taste their wines and other produces. You will be shown a full overview of the region´s wine production methods and styles.

Note that our choice of wineries for the day will depend on their availabilities and weather conditions (as some are more outdoors).

*Our partner wineries include:

José Maria da Fonseca;

Quinta do Alcube;

Setúbal Regional´s “Mother House”;

Adega Cooperativa de Palmela.

At the internationally renowned wine cellars of José Maria da Fonseca you will learn about the winery’s history, since 1834, and sample some of its wines. This is one of the oldest family-owned cellar of Portugal, being presently at the 7th generation, and counting. Note that this winery will be always in our selection for the day.

Another is Quinta de Alcube, also a family-owned wine cellar, that is over a century old (since 1913). While visiting this small traditional winery, you can taste their selection of wines and discover more about the “agricultural side” of winemaking.

All of the 14 wine regions of Portugal have a regional “Mother House”. Here we have all the 24 wineries of the Setúbal region united in one winery. You will be able to see and taste, what the different wineries produce, their different terroir, styles and types.

For a more “industrial” experience, the Adega Cooperativa de Palmela Winery is the place to be. Especially during harvest season, you will be able to immerse in how the different wines are produced.

Finally, and in addition to all these tastings, you will be able to marvel at the views of the Arrábida Natural Park mountain range and know a bit of its history.


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