Nha Trang River Tour

Язык Английский, вьетнамский
Стоимость 90 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Apart from the beautiful beach and ocean tour activities, there is a River named "Cai" that is endowed to Nha Trang. Come aboard the scenic river tour is definitely a good day trip out of bustling city of Nha Trang to look for serenade scenery and daily life of local long the river bank of Cai.


08:30: You will be picked up from hotel. Transfer to Ponagar temple.

09:00: Ponagar Temple Or Cham Tower

Which was built in the late of VIII century and completed in XIII century. Ponagar is the name of the "Thien Y Ana" and she was a "Mother of Cham land".

Then take a walk to the pier.

Boat cruises along Cai river, guide introduce Nha Trang countryside and about the story of Nha Trang

09:30: Talk a walk to the pier then get onboard.

09:45: Whale Shrine

Once upon a time, a fisherman were fishing on the ocean but thunderstorm was appear and the tide raise high up.

10:15: Coconut Dunes

Get on land and visit coconut garden. Its was planted since 1970 - 1980.

Have a fresh coconut before leaving.

10:30: Clay Stove

Turn to Phan Dinh Giot street come to Nha Trang countryside. Stop at the local house, meet 2 artist with 40 years of experience makes a clay stove by hand.

11:15: Mat Weaves

11:45: The Ancient House 200 Years

Visit the wooden ancient house in Nha Trang.

Drop you off the hotel


* Tour Included:

- Private A/C Car.

- Private Wooden boat.

- English-speaking tour guide.

- Fresh Coconut drink.

- Fruits.

- Bottle of water.

- Entrance fees.


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