Group Tour of Samarkand Morning or Evening

Язык Английский, Французский, Русский
Стоимость 15 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Visit important locations, listen to local legends and immerse yourself in the culture of Uzbekistan

In the cool of the morning or evening, you will stroll around the city and see the historical pearls of the East. You can find out why the square in the center of Samarkand is called Registan - sandy, although there is no sand there. You will hear the legend of the architect's love for the wife of the founder of the Timurid Empire. You will also get acquainted with the customs and traditions of our region.

What awaits you

Mausoleum Gur-Emir - the tomb of Tamerlane. His sons Miranshah and Shahrukh and grandson Ulugbek are also buried here.

Registan Square is the heart of ancient Samarkand. You will find out why it is called the sandy place.

Bibi-Khanym Mosque is a cathedral mosque from the 15th century. You will hear a legend about how the architect fell in love with Tamerlane's wife, who supervised the construction.

The Shakhi-Zinda necropolis is an architectural ensemble of mausoleums of the Karakhanid and Timurid nobility. We will tell you why this place is called the city of the dead, although the name is translated as “Living King.”

The Ulugbek Observatory is one of the most significant observatories of the Middle Ages. It was built by the ruler of the Turkic state of the Timurids, educator and astronomer Ulugbek.

Organizational details

Additional costs: entrance fees to all attractions - approximately $16/person.

Meeting point

The excursion starts from the Tamerlane Mausoleum. You will find out the exact meeting location immediately after booking.


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