Amsterdam City walking tours

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Tурецкий
Стоимость 40 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 2 часа

Visit the magnificent European Metropolis Amsterdam with me as a local expert in Art , local food ,touristic locations famous and of the beaten paths ,

partly using public transport means available as train, trams, busses, sustainable tuk tuk, a typical dutch bike or canalboats as wel as ferries to discover with you the pearls of this Dutch powerhouse of money, trade and religious history !

Tours can start with 2 hours for the local historical Herritage sites for minimum

but can also be expended to a 1 full day Amsterdam or 2 days Amsterdam and Maastricht combination tours are available all year long,

Prices are on request and availability !

References :

" Hello Mehmet Our holidays have been very good and we cannot forget the wonderful day we spent with you and the great Indonesian food dinner. We loved Harlem as well your company, support and explanations. We will certainly ask for your help again (Istanbul?). Thank you so much for everything."

Mehmet was knowledgeable and friendly

" He clearly knew the history of every place we went. Did not overburden us with facts. Had lot of local information about the Amsterdam as we walked. "

" One of the best food tours ever. It was good to see the non tourist side of Amsterdam. "


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