Carthage & Sidi Bou Said ( Half Day ) Without Lunch ( min 4 pax)

Язык Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 65 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

- Drive to Carthage Archaeological site .

- Arrival and visit of the ancient baths the vastest set of Roman Thermae built on the African continent and one of three largest built in the Roman Empire. The baths are also the only remaining Thermae of Carthage that dates back to the Roman Empire's era.

- Continuation to the Tophet Located in the immediate vicinity of the Punic ports, the Tophet is a sacred enclosure where the Punic people offered sacrifices in honor of the protective divinities of Carthage, Baal Hammon and Tanit .

- drive to the Roman Cisterns of MALAGA the huge 2nd-century-AD pipe network that housed Roman Carthage’s water supply can be explored on foot through the tunnels. The reservoir was nearly 1km long, fed by a huge aqueduct carrying mountain spring water from Zaghouan.

- Drive to the village of SIDI BOU SAID .

- Arrival and Visit of the village, Originally a place of pilgrimage for visitors to the tomb of the 13th-century Sufi holy man from whom it takes its name, Tunisia's celebrated blue-and-white village is so enchantingly pretty that it can sometimes seem more painted than real. Seen from a distance, it shimmers under the fierce Mediterranean sun like a giant mosaic. Seen from within, it's a labyrinth of winding streets and secret places, where crooked flights of steps lead to hidden gardens and wooden gates opening onto flower-filled courtyards.

- Drive Back to the hotel

Package include :

- Tranportation

- All entrance fees


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