Petra and Wadi Rum

Язык Английский
Стоимость 650 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 10 часов

2 Days to Petra and Wadi Rum

Day 1

Cross the border near Eilat and meet a local rep who will assist with procedures

About an hour ride to Wadi Rum, an amazing red sandstone mountains and sand dunes

A short hike to "Lawrence Well" after which we will have a traditional lunch under an impressive Acacia tree, surrounded by the picturesque desert landscape

An off road ride in between the red cliffs on the sandy dirt roads, Bedouin tents, camels and goats, ancient rock drawings and other adventures

A 1 hour ride to Petra for overnight

Day 2

Full day in Petra, the famous site, all by foot (or a donkey, a camel…)

Leave Petra in the afternoon and drive back to the border

Cross to Eilat and stay overnight

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