Язык Английский
Стоимость 600 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Inca trail is the best way to see Machu Picchu trough two days hike. You also ride the train through the Urubamba gorge with incredible views of the cloud forest. Also you hike part of this original Inca trail and tour Machu picchu.great opportunities to see some flora and fauna of this pristine ecosystem.

We Provide and Include: Itinerary transport round trip from Cusco-Licensed, Bilingual, history and naturalist Tour Guides-All Itinerary Meals, including vegetarian & snacks, Safety orientation and Equipment for optional activities-First Aid kit and Oxygen-Tour specific , Meals-Ecological, toilets-All Entrance Tickets-Bus up and down for Machu Picchu-Pre-purchased Return Train connections to Cusco. Optional hikes in Machu Picchu and Huayna picchu mountains and the Intipunku Inca trail.

Difficulty of the trek: easy to moderate, good regular physical conditions.

Day 1: Distance: 11km, Altitude: 2100 to 3050 mts, hours 5, hotel 2060mts

Day 2: Distance: 7km, Altitude: 2060 to 2450 mts, hours 7 hotel in Cusco 3300mts.

Ecosystems: Scrub bush vegetation, Andean semi dry forest, cloud forest, inters Andean valleys. Grass land,

Highlights: Some Inca remains. High biodiversity, flora, fauna. Ancient Inca road, sacred mountains, amazing landscape.

Climate: The temperature varies in between 8ºC,morning ,night to 20ºC,middle day to 25ºC day. Mountain weather, sunny to cloudy, windy.

Day one:

We start day one with a morning train to kilometer 104 of the rail line, passing by snowcapped mountains, diverse ecosystems, and ancient ruins along the way. The train will depart from Cusco or ollantaytambo station in the early morning and arrive at a trailhead in Chachabamba (2,100 meters) by mid -morning. Here, we’ll start our hike towards the archaeological site of Wiñay Wayna (2,710 meters), which will take approximately 2 ½ hours total. Once in Wiñay Wayna (named after the local orchids), we will stop for a picnic lunch and a brief tour. After lunch, we’ll begin our descent into the city of Machu Picchu (2,450meters). Enjoy the beautiful scenery and unparalleled view of the Urubamba mountain range as we pass through the mystical cloud forest. It’s in this subtropical forest that you will see endless species of plants, including the forever young orchest (Epidendrum secundum), the Bamboo orchest(Sobralia dicotoma), and much more. The diversity doesn’t end here. Take inall the sights and sounds of the Inca wren (Thryothorus eisenmanni), sparkling violet ear (Colibri coruscans), and maybe even the famed Andean Condor. To better appreciate all this area has to offer, we’ll stop at the Sun gate (Intipunku) entrance before our final descent. Here, we’ll snap some photos of the beautiful granite mountains known as the Bartolite of Vilcabamba (volcanic formation), along with the city of Machu Picchu below. As we make our way down, we’ll break at several more lookout points for additional photo opportunities. By the time we arrive at Machu Picchu, so be prepared for a much needed rest! From here, we’ll take a bus into Aguas Calientes (about 25 minutes away), where we’ll settle in at a hotel for a good shower, hot meal, and maybe an evening dip in the hot springs.

Day two:

Today, we’re up at the crack of dawn to see the sunrise from Machu Picchu (weather permitting). After a quick breakfast, we’ll catch the bus for a 25-minute ride to the actual city of Machu Picchu. We’ll start with a two-hour tour of the city, after which you’ll be free to relax or hike one of the mountains in the area, Machu Picchu or Huayna Picchu (about 2 to 3 hours).If you decide to hike, you will gain a whole new perspective on the Citadel and its rich biodiversity; definitely an experience you won’t forget! Afterwards, we’ll have lunch in town and visit the local market. Then, in the afternoon we’ll complete our trip with a train ride back to Cusco.


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