Язык Английский
Стоимость 1000 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 неделя


Day 01: Banjarmasin Arrival (D)

Banjarmasin airport, meeting service and transfer to hotel. Afternoon by Klotok cruise along the Kelayan canal, to see the way of life or Banjarese.

Day 02: Banjarmasin Floatig Market (BLD)

After breakfast visit the traditional floating market, Then proceed to Loksado. Then trek for rivers by suspended bamboo bridges .

Day 03: Loksado , Mara Hatip , Meratus Mountains (BLD)

Morning visit Muara Hatip , then trek into rain forest of the Meratus Mountain to enjoy the flora & fauna.

Day 04: Losado, Bambo Rafting Banjarmasin (BLD)

Morning by Bamboo rafting downstream through at Amandit River proceed to Muara Hariang, and direct transfer by car to Resort or hotel.

Day 05: Resor /Hotel -Martapura

Morning after breakfast transfer to Martapura.Arrived in martapura to explore the traditional Diamond mining.This area you may direckly to see local people how they are looking for Diamond ,we may too buy direckly Diamonds here.Then continue to Hotel Banjarmasin

Day 06: Maratapura-Banjarmasin.

After bteakfast city tour in Banjarmasin visit traditional House of Banjarmasin and traditional sarung songket .

Day 07: Banjarmasin Departure,

Breakfast free at leisure until departure time to airport for your next destination.

Private Cars

Motorcanoe In Banjarmasin

Bamboo Rafting

1.One night Martapura hotel

2.Night in Hotel Banjarmasin

3.Nights In Loksado Bungalow/ Villa

Breakfast Lunch And Dinner


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