Underground tour to Odessa catacombs

Язык Английский, Французский, Польский
Стоимость 65 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 часа

This tour is a wonderful opportunity to explore Odessa catacombs located outside historic centre.

The catacombs represent a network of underground tunnels and labyrinths. At present, the length of the Odessa catacombs is estimated at approximately 2,500-3,000 kilometers!

Initially a place for extraction of limestone, catacombs later turned into a shelter for smugglers, bandits, slave traders and partisans.

Catacombs in Odessa were never used as a cemetery (like in Paris), more correct word for our underground tunnels is "mine", for limestone extraction. In soviet times, in period of Cold war, some catacombs were turned in nuclear bunkers. During the tour we'll visit one of them.

See you on a tour!

NB! be sure to wear comfortable shoes for the tour, and also take some light jacket or sweater with you (if it's summer time), because temperature in catacombs is always around 14-16 degrees, so be sure to dress appropriate.

Price for a private tour in English is 1700 hryvnia (at the moment it's around 65 euro). Tour is available individually and for a small group up to 5 people. It's also possible to organize tour for a big group, on demand.


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