Macedonian Historical & Culture Tour

Язык Болгарский, Английский, Русский, Serbian
Стоимость 720 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 1 день

On this tour, you will cast your eyes on magnificent traditional Macedonian architecture, monuments, museums, churches and monasteries where life seems to move in a different rhythm.

Make a complete change from your everyday life by venturing to one of Europe's last undiscovered destinations. Enjoy the view of historical ruins and ancient villages that have remained unchanged for centuries. You will be able to tantalize your taste buds as you consume the famous Macedonian food and quality wines.

This extended itinerary is totally customizable to your needs and interests. Please contact me to begin building this adventure of a lifetime!


Day 1, Skopje

Flight arrival and transfer to Skopje

Day 2, Skopje - Ohrid

Tour of Skopje - tour starts at the museum of Skopje

Departure for Matka Canyon - area of untouched natural scenery

Departure for Ohrid - the Macedonian Jerusalem

Day 3, Ohrid -Struga

Tour of Ohrid and sightseeing

Departure for Struga

Day 4, Struga-Sv Naum Monastery-Bitola

Departure for Sv Naum Monastery

Departure for traditional village Brajcino

Departure for Bitola

Day 5, Bitola-Krushevo-Tikves-Popova Kula

Departure for Krushevo

Departure for Tikves Winery - one of the most authentic and biggest Macedonian wineries

Departure for Popova Kula Winery

Day 6, Popova Kula-Strumica

Departure for Strumica

Day 7, Strumica- Shtip-Kratovo

Departure for Shtip

Departure for Kratovo (one of the regions' living museums)

Day 8, Kratovo-Joakim Osogovski - Skopje

Departure for Joakim Osogovski Monastery - the monastery of the creative monk Joakim

Departure for Kokino Megalithic Observatory (ranked 4th oldest in the world)

Where and When:

Meet up location: Door to door service.

End location: Door to door service.

Duration: 8 days

What's Included:

All entrance fees and cable car ticket in Vodno

Transportation with car the whole tour

Licensed English speaking tour guide

Boat ride to Vrelo Cave in Matka Canyon

What's Extra:

hotels, bed and breakfast (60$ per night)

7 lunches (1 lunch with wine-tasting) (35$ per lunch)

7 dinners (1 dinner with wine-tasting ) (35$ per dinner)

Use of spa facilities in Hotel Sirius Strumica


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